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The January Ink Drop from the Goulet Pen Company

It's a really good ink drop this month. I'm always a little surprised when I don't have any of the inks in the Ink Drop. Well, this month I got a couple of inks that I'd been wanting to try out for a while.

The Visconti Sepia up there is an ink that I got on the same day as the Ink Drop, but it wasn't part of the Ink Drop. I just got it during a sale before Christmas. It's a pretty nice looking ink, but I've only just put it in a pen and I haven't had a chance to use it yet.

Moss Green is a fresh looking green, but it's not quite as bright as it looks in that picture. It reminds me of Diamine Meadow.

Eau de Nil is a blue that looks like it leans towards green. It's not quite a turquoise, but it's headed in that direction.

Majestic Purple looks like a nice purple, if you're into that sort of thing. It's got the Diamine Sheen where it pools on the left-hand side of the smear.

Borealis Black looks to be a pretty light-weight black, but I'll give it a try. I've been writing with some black inks lately, and this one will go on the list.

Rome Burning is an ink that I've been wanting to try out ever since it came out. It's gotten some pretty mixed reviews since then. Some have said that it bleeds and spreads and acts up on the page, but I'm hoping that it won't do that for me. I've just put it in a Lamy M nib to see what'll happen. I think if it's going to spread it'll do it in that nib more than it would in, say, an F nib. I'll try it out with both just to see. Lamy makes it so easy to swap nibs that it's to easy not to try it out.

Here are some more pictures for you.

I did these swatches on a new Rhodia pad that I picked up recently. I was looking at the dots on the page, and they're bigger and fuzzier than they are on my other Rhodia pad. The paper feels a little different, too. It seems to behave like Rhodia paper, but it feels a little softer and a little more flexible than the other paper. I'm not sure what they changed, exactly, but you can see the difference in the picture below. Anyone else had this experience?

Old paper on the bottom, new on the top. 

Post Comment
Randall said...

I was REALLY impressed (to the point of putting them on my Goulet Pens wish list) with the Eau de Nil and the Majestic Purple. The others? Eh... not so much. And Rome Burning is just kinda weird (although cool in a geeky inky sort of way). Nice post!!

GourmetPens said...

Nice ink drop! I keep thinking I should sign up, but wonder what to do if I end up with a bunch of inks I already have... anyway. Perhaps this addresses the issues you're having with your paper -

Mike Matteson said...

Randall: I'm not a big fan of purple (owing to a semi-rational hatred of our college football rivals), but it does look like a nice purple. Have you tried out Murasaki-shikibu from the Iroshizuku like? It's the only purple that I really like. I blogged it here:

Azizah: That is exactly what I have! It's a spiral top notebook that I got from the Bottom Shelf at Goulet because it has two back covers instead of one front and one back cover. It also has the weird paper. The paper is fine, it just looks different.

Mike Matteson said...

I just started using the Eau de Nil today, and it strikes me that it looks a bit like Waterman's Mysterious Blue. Eau de Nil is a bit more green, but the Waterman ink can look almost exactly like this if your pen is a dry-writer.