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Chicago Pen Show 2016 (Day 1!)

Hey folks,
I'm not actually at the pen show, but my wife (Audrey) is helping out at the Franklin-Christoph table there this weekend, and she had some time to take pictures yesterday and she sent them to me. So, get ready for a smorgasbord of pictures!

This is a pen-maker that I've not seen before (at least I don't think I have). The brand is WritePensInk, and they don't appear to have a website anymore, but their Facebook page seems pretty up to date. 

 I mean...look at these clock pens? Awesome.

Edison Pen Co.

I really like the pens below. That shape is slightly hour-glassed or something, and I dig it. I don't have any, but they're cool. 

Anderson Pens

Anderson Pens has the Sailor Bespoke line, now, and some of these are awesome. That ribbed pen above is really cool. You can also get some really nutty nibs on these things. 

 I can't get these pictures to rotate to landscape. I don't know why, but Blogger will not listen to me when I rotate them. So..turn your head over to the right, I guess.

So, if you're at the show this weekend, go see Audrey and Jim. Tell 'em I said hi!

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Whitney D said...

Awwesome blog you have here