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Franklin-Christoph's New Ink: Bronze Age!

 New inks! Those are always the best kinds of inks, if you ask me. I also like inks in this odd sort of brownish tone. It's a color that I was tempted to file under the "swamp vibes" category, but I'm not sure it really fits. It does match the slightly tarnished look of one of my bronze pens. Not a full tarnish, and not a shiny bronze, but like a slightly used bronze pen color. It's neat. Check...

Chicago Pen Show 2024: Papier Plume's Faceless Lady

It's Chicago Pen Show time, and that means that it's time for a new exclusive ink from Papier Plume! This one is based on he statue of Ceres (the Roman Goddess of Agriculture) of that graces the top of the Chicago Board of Trade Building. According to the PBS article on this statue, there weren't any buildings that were tall enough for anyone to see the statue from at the time it was built, and so...