Aurora Sepia Special Edition

Until a few years ago, Aurora was a company that only had 2 inks. They had a Black (that is great) and a Blue (that is not good). Then they expanded to a Blue-Black that I wasn't a big fan of. Now, well, there are several colors! This brown is a little too dark to be a sepia, I think, but it's a nice brown. 

I actually wrote and filmed this review back in 2020, and then it got lost in the shuffle. Oops!

Written Review



Copy Paper Test

Wheat Straw Paper

Tomoe River Paper

Col-o-Dex Color Comparisons

Video Review

**This bottle was given to me by Kenro, the Aurora distributor for the USA. I try not to let that sort of thing influence my reviews. What you see is that I got.**


Diplomat Pine Tree


Wearingeul x Pen Chalet Taming of the Shrew