Inkvent 2020 Begins!
It's the first day of December 2020, and that means that it's time for inkvent!
Last year was the first time I took on this challenge, and it was a blast. A lot of work, but a blast nonetheless. Diamine had created a whole month's worth of new inks, and they'd put them in these really fun boxes and you could just buy them and enjoy them. It was a great idea, and I made a new video each day where I opened the little door in the box and got an inky surprise. Those inks were all made into a part of their lineup this year, and lots of them are worth checking out. Find them as the "Blue" series or the "Inkvent" series at your favorite Diamine retailer.
This year, well, they didn't do it. There was (is) a pandemic, and it got in the way. Totally understandable. However, some of my YouTube viewers gave us the idea that we should do Inkvent anyway. Home-made style. Some of them have contributed samples of ink for Audrey to package up for me and I'll be posting a video each day with one of those inks. It'll be fun!
The first ink video is posted for your enjoyment on my YouTube channel. If you go over to watch it, please do subscribe to the channel. Give it a thumbs up. Leave a comment. Watch another video after that one. All of those things tell YouTube that my content is enjoyed, and it tells them that they should show my videos to more people. It's really the only way to get discovered over there.
Oh! If you'd like to send me an ink sample or two that I can maybe include (depending on timing) here's my address:
Mike Matteson
PO Box 1131
Graham, NC 27253