What I've been using this week! 11-28-2021 Edition
I didn't keep any good records of the pens I used this week. I know.
Bad Mike.
It was a busy week, though. The end of the semester is here and I'm swamped. Add to that the upcoming Inkvent videos and going out of town for a few days next week, and I'm extra swamped. So, I just have a few pens to share with you today. A couple of new pens that came in this week were inked and used, and a couple of others got some use. And I'll talk about one that I just don't like much.
First up, this new Esterbrook Estie Scarlet. Kenro Industries sent this one out for review this week, and it's a really good looking pen. I've got a few Esties now, and they're great. This one has a broad JoWo nib, and it writes super well. Kenro also sent along a bottle of Scarlet ink for it, and it's a nice color. It's sort of a light red, but not a pink. Sort of a hothouse tomato color. Pretty interesting.
Okay, last one, and I promised you that I would talk about a pen that I don't like. It's this one. The Zebra Z-Grip Flight is a ballpoint that I picked up at Target (I think). I like lots of Zebra pens, and so I'm usually pretty confident in them. These are a really broad ballpoint with a 1.2mm tip, and I figured I'd give them a try. Broad ballpoints are so hit or miss, though. This one skips and streaks and generally behaves badly. And then I wrote on this paper with it, and it worked pretty perfectly. Maybe it just needs the right paper to work well?
Fine. I'll give it another shot.
So, until next week: Give those pens and inks that you don't love another chance. You never know!